What Your Insurance Company Doesn't Want You to Know
Public Insurance Adjusters work exclusively for you, the policyholder, who pays plenty for coverage but typically suffers through disputed (underpaid or denied) claims.
Insurance Company Adjusters work for insurance companies and frequently underestimate claims by 50%. They may also recommend contractors for repairs who cut corners to save insurance companies money and get ongoing recommendations and business from them.
APIA-IRC is licensed to stand up for your rights and ensure you are treated fairly.
- On Underpaid Claims: We get you a fairer settlement, often double the original payment received.
- On Denied Claims: We get you a fair settlement, assuming the damage is covered by your insurance policy. Our record on reversing denied claims that are legitimate is close to 95%.
- On New Claims: We ease and expedite the process from the beginning and typically get a far bigger, fairer settlement than if you work only with the insurance company’s adjuster.
- We don’t get paid for any work until the insurance company pays you. Our small fee is well worth the time and frustration we save you and the total funds we recover for you.
- The contractors and specialists we recommend do not cut corners to get repeat referrals from insurance companies.